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Egress Wells

An egress window well is the lining around an egress window to protect it from erosion. Choose from a wide range of high-quality egress wells that are available as single piece units, three piece kits, panels that snap together, or stackable sections. All basement wells are made with ultraviolet-resistant polyethylene that will not crack, rust, rot, or change color. Each window well is manufactured with a built-in step or ladder system to provide an easy escape in the case of an emergency, while still providing an appealing look.

Bilco ScapeWEL Polyethylene Window Well
Price: $1,812.54
Sale Price: $1,721.91
Modern Builders Supply - Wellcraft Wells 2060 Series Single Unit Egress Window Well
Price: $1,143.54
Sale Price: $1,086.36
Modern Builders Supply - Wellcraft Wells 2062 Series One Piece Egress Window Well
Price: $1,057.71
Sale Price: $1,004.82
Modern Builders Supply - Wellcraft Wells 2060 Well 12" Extension Grey or Sandstone
Price: $412.82
Sale Price: $392.18
Bilco StakWel 54 in. x 21 in. Polyethylene Window Well - Modular Design
Price: $206.34
Sale Price: $196.02
Out of stock - Contact for availability
Modern Builders Supply - Wellcraft Wells 6700 series 3 piece Kit
Price: $1,725.09
Sale Price: $1,638.84
Modern Builders Supply - Wellcraft 5600 Window Well
Price: $200.91
Sale Price: $190.86
Out of stock - Contact for availability