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Titanium PSU30 Peel & Stick Roof Underlayment
Available in 2 Options. Pricing may vary.
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Titanium PSU30 Peel & Stick Roof Underlayment

Available in 2 Options. Pricing may vary.
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Manufacturer's Rebate: Receive a $100 Prepaid Gift Card for every 30 Rolls of Titanium Underlayment purchased per quarter - No limits on Rebates   CLICK HERE FOR MORE DETAILS

Watertight asphalt to asphalt lap system
All temperature performance (-40 degree F to 240 degree F)
Up to 6 months UV exposure rating
Patented SURE-FOOT slip resistant technology
Synthetic construction inert to mold growth
Cool light gray surface, doesn't expand or contract
Engineered to lay flat and not buckle or wrinkle when exposed to temperature and moisture fluctuations

Manufacturer's Rebate: Receive a $100 Prepaid Gift Card for every 30 Rolls of Titanium Underlayment purchased per quarter - No limits on Rebates   CLICK HERE FOR MORE DETAILS

Watertight asphalt to asphalt lap system
All temperature performance (-40 degree F to 240 degree F)
Up to 6 months UV exposure rating
Patented SURE-FOOT slip resistant technology
Synthetic construction inert to mold growth
Cool light gray surface, doesn't expand or contract
Engineered to lay flat and not buckle or wrinkle when exposed to temperature and moisture fluctuations