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Residential Skylights

Residential Skylights are designed for many types of buildings and applications. They are offered in a fixed option which cannot be opened or a venting option for an in-reach application. Venting skylights allow air ventilation in the home and can open or close manually or by a solar powered remote control. These skylights are offered in a deck mount option which are installed directly into a specific sized hole cut into the roof and are more flush with the roof or can be installed on top of the built-in curb frame of a roof with a curb mounted installation.

Velux FCM Curb Mounted Fixed Skylight
Price: $327.80
Sale Price: $295.02
Velux FS Deck Mount Fixed Skylight (In Stock Now)
Price: $933.64
Sale Price: $664.63
Velux FS Deck Mounted Fixed Skylight
Price: $400.06
Sale Price: $360.05
Velux QPF Self-Flashed Skylight
Price: $1,204.06
Sale Price: $1,094.60
Velux QFT Copper Fixed Pan-Flashed Skylight
Price: $897.71
Sale Price: $766.42
Velux VSE Electric Deck Mount Venting Skylight
Price: $2,414.24
Sale Price: $2,194.76
Velux VSS Deck Mount Venting Solar Powered Skylight
Price: $2,298.57
Sale Price: $2,089.61
Velux VCE Curb Mount Venting Electric Skylight
Price: $2,492.43
Sale Price: $2,265.85
Velux VCM Curb Mount Manual Venting Skylight
Price: $719.49
Sale Price: $685.23
Velux VCS Curb Mounted Venting Solar Powered Skylight
Price: $1,963.83
Sale Price: $1,785.30
Velux QVT Copper Venting Pan-Flashed Skylight
Price: $567.28
Sale Price: $490.71